

The Editorial Board of the journal accepts for consideration manuscripts in English that contain the results of original studies, in the form of full articles, as well as author reviews on topical issues of mathematical science.

Materials that do not correspond to this topic will not be accepted for consideration. The materials of the article should be open. The presence of a restrictive label serves as a basis for rejecting the material from open publication.

Articles are accepted by the editors through the online system for submitting and reviewing articles.

Authors should send to the editorial office the article in electronic form, designed in accordance with the requirements (see

A manuscript of a scientific article submitted to the editorial office of the journal is subject to initial review for compliance with the journal's profile, editorial requirements, and design rules. At this stage, the article (the entire article file, with all output data, annotations and keywords in three languages, references, and information about the authors) is also checked for the presence of borrowed text through the Strikeplagiarism and Antiplagiat systems. If any comments on the subject, design, or originality are found, the article is returned to the authors without review, and the author is notified accordingly.

The article corresponding to the journal's profile and publication requirements is accepted for initial review and sent for review.

Reviewing manuscripts of scientific articles in the journal is made in order to ensure the quality of published articles, correctness and reliability of the presentation of results, maintain a high scientific-theoretical level of the publication, as well as the selection of the most relevant and practically important scientific works. All materials submitted for publication in the journal are subject to review.

Reviewers are appointed by the Chief Editor and they are specialists in the relevant field of research, from among the leading specialists in the profile of the article. Review is done via double-blind peer review method. All reviewers must adhere to the ethical requirements of scientific publications, be objective and impartial.

The reviewer evaluates the article for relevance of the topic and scientific novelty, the appropriateness of the methods used by the authors, the reliability of the results, as well as its structure and presentation style (quality of translation into English). All comments and suggestions for the article are made out in a review.

The reviewer can make the following recommendations for publication of the article:
1. "The article can be recommended for publication" - if the manuscript does not contain errors, meets the requirements of relevance and originality of scientific research. In this case, the manuscript is included in the list of intended publications in the journal;
2. "The article may be recommended for publication if it is finalized in accordance with the reviewer's comments." In this case, the article is sent to the authors for revision. After receiving the revised text, the editorial Board sends the article for review again. If the reviewer still has significant comments on the article, the article is rejected by the editorial Board without the right to further revision.
3. "The article cannot be recommended for publication". In this case, the article is either rejected by the editors or sent for re-review, which is possible only once for this article.

If the comments made by the reviewer are eliminated, the article is sent to the author for revision. The editors reserve the right to refuse publication to the author who wishes to leave the reviewer's comments without attention. The reviewer also has the right to conduct an additional check on the use of borrowings in the text of the publication through available Internet search engines.

Reviewers evaluate submissions within three weeks.

After receiving the reviews, the issue of received articles is considered at the next meeting of the editorial board and a final decision is made on the basis of the reviewers' conclusions on the publication of the article or refusal to publish it. On the basis of the decision made, a letter is sent to the authors on behalf of the editorial board to the email address of the author responsible for the correspondence. In case of a positive decision, an agreement is concluded with the authors on the transfer of the exclusive right to a scientific article for publication in the scientific journal «Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Mathematics series». The validity of the agreement arises from the moment it is signed by the authors and sent to the editorial office in the form of a scanned copy in electronic form.

Prepress preparation of the article for publication is mandatory and consists of literary and technical editing, monitoring compliance with the accepted design standards and rules for publishing articles in the journal. The editorial board may not agree with the authors on the literary or technical correction of articles. The editors do not enter into discussions with the authors of articles