Optimal method of decision of homogeneous differential equalizations of first order, coersion to homogeneous equalization


  • Zh. Hyrhynbay


differential equations, integration, teaching methods, homogeneous equation, equation that can be reduced to a homogeneous equation


Differential equations course plays a great role in the fundamental training of a future teacher in the aspect of the formation of a student’s scientific world view, definite level of mathematical culture, definite level of methodological culture, especially on such components as understanding of applied and practical direction of mathematics education, mastering the method of mathematical modeling, the ability to fulfill inter and correlative connections between subjects. To the components of humanitarian potential of the differential equation teaching at pedagogical schools of higher education course except the above, we relate professional - pedagogical directivity of the course, at that, in comparison with other mathematical disciplines, there are greater opportunities for full realization of professional - pedagogical directivity of education. This imposes special obligations on a teacher of differential equations course in realization of the binarity principle - the most adequate combination of mathematical and methodological lines.




