Existentially prime Jonsson quasivarieties and their Jonsson spectra
Jonsson theory, perfect Jonsson theory, variety, quasivariety, semantic Jonsson quasivariety, Jonsson spectrum, existentially prime theory, central type, orbital type, central-orbital type, fragments of Jonsson setsAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of Jonsson quasivarieties in a signature enriched with new predicate and constant symbols. New concepts of semantic Jonsson quasivariety and fragment-conservativeness of the center of the Jonsson theory are introduced. The cosemanticness classes of the Jonsson spectrum constructed for a semantic Jonsson quasvariety are considered. In this case, the Kaiser hull of the semantic Jonsson quasivariety is assumed to be existentially prime. By constructing a central type for classes of theories
from the Jonsson spectrum, the following results are formulated and proved. In the first main result, the necessary and sufficient condition is given for the center of the cosemanticness class of an existentially prime semantic Jonsson quasivariety to be λ-stable. The second result is the criterion for the center of the class of theories to be ω-categorical in the enriched language. The obtained theorems can be useful in continuing studies of various Jonsson algebras, in particular, Jonsson quasivarieties.